Welcome from Mrs Atkinson-Smith – Headteacher
Burnley Brow is a two-form entry Community Primary School where staff, governors and families work together to provide a rich stimulating and caring environment where children can flourish. Ofsted say we are a Good School (July 2023) and described us as stated; “Welcoming, ambitious” and a ‘school where everyone feels valued.’ We continue to evolve and grow to facilitate an exciting and challenging learning experience for our children.
We teach a knowledge-rich curriculum which is progressive and encourages children to build on what they already know and to actively make links across their learning. We provide enriching
experiences to enhance learning and offer cultural opportunities for our children to gain knowledge and skills to help them succeed in any sphere of life.
Our values are based around five key areas of Respect, Empathy, Collaboration, Independence and Perseverance and we encourage our children to make informed choices, think for themselves and be confident to stand up for what they feel is right.
Burnley Brow is committed to safeguarding and promoting the physical, mental and emotional welfare of all pupils. We expect all staff and visitors to share this commitment.
Mrs HJ Atkinson-Smith BA (Hons), M.Ed., NPQH.
How does our school go beyond the normal and support our parents