The Governing Body

Every school has to have a Governing Body which usually includes the Head teacher plus; parent, staff, local authority and community representatives. All members of the Governing Body are volunteers and give up their own time for the school.

The Governing body has an important function within the school. Its main aims are as follows:

1. To provide a strategic view – working closely with the Head teacher helping to decide the strategy for improvements.
2. To act as a critical friend – supporting the staff but also asking challenging questions.
3. To ensure accountability – monitoring and evaluating school effectiveness and performance.

Each governor brings valuable experiences, skills and knowledge to their role to make the most of this expertise and to support the school, Head teacher and Senior Leadership Team.
The governing body is committed to working for the benefit of the school and is always happy to receive your feedback.

If you are interested in becoming a school governor or want more information about our role, please feel free to contact Mr Jeremy Sutcliffe (Chair of Governors) via the school office.

Governor information

 Governing Body Attendance Record

Register of Interests