20th September 2024 - Community Gardening

Today the parents who have been attending the Community Gardening Club run by Jigsaw Housing, celebrated with a garden party.  Through this club they have been taught, by an experienced gardener how to plant, look after and harvest vegetables. 

The parents said they have loved learning to garden and are looking forward to working with Fenhurst Allotment Association in the future. 

19th September 2024 - Bikability

The children in Year 5 have been learning to ride a bike or have been developing their skills further. The children have had a fabulous time alongside learning a very important skill. Some of our children experienced riding their bikes safely in the local area. 

17th July 2024 - Attendance Parties

2NS and 6G were the winners of the class attendance prize.  The children had the opportunity to play and were treated to an ice-cream from the ice-cream van! Well done to both classes on your excellent attendance this year!

17th July 2024 - Parent's Business Start-Up Programme

Jigsaw Housing have been working with some of our parents this term on providing  business start-up training. 

The course helped parents who would like to set up their own business the support they need to do this. 

 After completing the training the parents will have the opportunity to apply for a reimbursement grant of up to £500!

17th July 2024 - Year 6 Leaver's Assembly

Today there was not a dry eye in the school hall as the Year 6 children performed their Leaver’s Assembly to the parents.  The story of Shrek was retold through fabulous acting and singing – we will never forget Donkey (pick me, pick me).   I am sure this will be a memory that will stay with the children for a long time.   Good luck Year 6 and remember to come back and see us! 

16th July 2024 - House Prize

Kent House won the House Picnic this year for the most house points collected.  The weather didn’t stop the fun as the children all came out of class to enjoy a carpet picnic.  

Well done Kent!  

16th July 2024 - 100% Attendance Celebration

Yesterday, those children have 100% attendance for the year were taken to Pizza Hut for their lunch.  The children loved tucking in to the delicious salad. pizza and of course the ice-cream factory.  

Well done to all of those children who achieved 100%.  


July 2024 - Year 5 Dr Kershaw's Dragon's Den

Year 5 have been working hard throughout July on their Dr Kershaw’s Dragon’s Den project.  The children worked in teams to create their businesses which ranged from photo frames, inspirational quotes and bracelets to name just a few.  They had to make their pitches to a Dr Kershaw team and all teams were successful in achieving a loan. They also had the opportunity to sell their goods at the Spindles in Oldham.  All of their hard work culminated in a trip to Oldham Athletic Stadium where they were pleased to see the pitch and meet Frank!

8th July 2024 - Year 2 Trip to Lytham St Annes

A  fabulous day was had by all the Year 2 children on their trip to the beach.  The children were greeted by fabulous weather as they took a stroll along the promenade to look at the beach huts and the lifeboat station. They then enjoyed lunch in the sunshine before building sandcastles on the beach, playing games and collecting shells.  The day ended with an ice-cream.  

3rd July 2024 - Summer Fair

What a fabulous time the children, parents and staff of Burnley Brow had today! The weather stayed good so it was an added bonus.  Everyone have a great time at the many stalls.  We would like to thank all of the business that kindly donated raffle prizes to our fair and to all of our families who kindly donated home-cooked food for us to sell.  Well done BB!

2nd July 2024 - Parent's Trip to Lytham St Annes

Forty-eight parents enjoyed their trip to Lytham St Annes. Although it wasn’t sunny, it was dry.   The parents enjoyed the fish and chips, Ashton Gardens and explored the shops. Some parent went on an expedition to find the sea – unfortunately they returned unsuccessful. Here is to next years trip. Lots of the parents said it would be a lovely beach day with their children. 

25th June 2024 - End of Year ESOL Celebration

Twelve parents completed the ESOL Skills for Life and Learning Course today with Oldham Lifelong Learning Service. 

 Today the parents had a celebration in recognition of all of their hard work. 

19th and 20th June 2024 - Eid Assemblies

Key Stage 2 performed their Eid assembly about Hajj to their parents today and will repeat this tomorrow. The children were amazing and I am sure there were a few tears from their parents in the audience. Well done to all of the children and staff for all of your hard work! 

18th June 2024 - Eid Party Lunch and Parties

What a fabulous Eid celebration the children had today!   The children looked fabulous in their Eid party clothes and definitely enjoyed their Eid party lunch!  The afternoon was spent playing party games in their classrooms – what a fabulous celebration! 

14th June 2024 - 2NS Linking Project

2NS had a fabulous time meeting their friends from Medlock Valley at the Castleshaw Centre. The children played games to get them reacquainted, they then worked in mixed teams on a scavenger hunt and even went pond dipping – they found lots of tadpoles! We think the highlight of the day for the children was feeding the Castleshaw goats!
It is fair to say that the children were exhausted after a busy day. 

13th June 2024 - Year 3 Trip to MOSI

What an amazing trip Year 3 had to the Museum of Science and Industry.  The children had a fabulous time exploring the galleries and the children investigated light and shadows which will enhance their science learning about this. This trip definitely sparked the children’s scientific curiosity.  Afsana in Year 3 said, “I liked solving the puzzles, my favourite one was moving wooden discs one at a time to another peg.  I wasn’t allowed to put any bigger discs on top of smaller discs!”

13th June 2024 - Pro-Strike Event

We had a day of fun, football and fundraising as Pro-strike visited our school. Children and staff-alike enjoyed the challenge of kicking a football as hard as they could!  Well done to Mr Beasley (104kmph) who got the highest score of the staff and Adnan and Mohammed in 6G who got the highest score of the children –(72kmph).

10th - 14th June 2024 - Sports Week

What an exciting week ahead for the children as sports week begins!  The children were organised into teams that linked to a country who is participating in the upcoming Summer Olympics which are being held in Paris this year.  The children took part in hurdles, javalin, long jump and sprints.   1st, 2nd and 3rd places were awarded.  I wonder who the winning country will be? 

7th June 2024 - Year 1 trip to Lancaster Hall Animal Farm

The children loved their trip to Lancaster Hall Animal Farm to enhance their Science work on animal groups.  The children were met by the farmer who taught them about staying safe whilst at the farm.  the children saw horses, sheep, goats and even a giant tortoises. The children fed the animals too which they found very exciting, particularly the cheeky goats who kept trying to pinch each others food! They also had the opportunity to handle some of the small animals – the teachers were not too keen on holding the rat.  The children particularly loved Mr Mustachio – a huge horse!

6th June 2024 - Dr Kershaw's Dragon's Den

What a fantastic opportunity 5G had to participate in Dr Kershaw’s Dragon’s Den.  The whole class worked in teams to create a business opportunity that they pitched to the Dragons!  All of 5G were amazing and the Dragons were impressed by their pitches and every team secured an investment in their business.  The children will be selling their goods after school in the next couple of weeks.  I am sure that 5G will be the future business owners of Oldham!

4th June 2024 - Year 3 Olympic Games Workshop

Year 3 really enjoyed welcoming Altru Drama into school today to help them learn all about the history of the Olympic Games.  They learnt about how the games started in Ancient Greece as well as learning about the  events from the Ancient and Modern Olympic Games.  This was done all through the medium of drama!  

Miss Hulme said, “This was a great way to enhance the children’s classroom learning about Ancient Greece.” 

17th May 2024 - Butterflies in Nursery

Today our Nursery children said farewell to the butterflies they have been looking after.  The children have been closely observing the life-cycle of the butterfly.  The children loved releasing then in the Forest School. Saara said, “Butterfly flying to their home.”  Nursery then enjoyed playing in the Forest School, particularly the willow tunnel. 

17th May 2024 - Choral Speaking Presentation

Today, Jack Wild, the Vice President of Oldham Metro Rotary Club visited our Friday celebration assembly to award 5G a very special award – an Adjudicator’s Special Commendation! Well done to 5G – what an amazing achievement! 

May 2024 - Year 5 Bikeability

The children in Year 5 took part in Bikeability where they learnt how to ride a bike or how to improve their cycling ability.  The children were either awarded Level 1 or Level 2.  The children learnt how to safely ride their bikes on the road including learning about junctions and how to do an emergency stop.  Shakeel in Year 5 said, “I found Bikeability fun because I enjoyed riding my bike on the road and learning about road safety.”

22nd April 2024 - Year 4 Roman Visitor

Today a real-life Roman visitor visited Year 4 today.  The children learnt a great deal from how the Roman Empire expanded and looking at Roman artefacts – the children were very surprised by some of the artefacts.  In the afternoon the Roman dressed in his armour – we then had to learn how to march. Our visitor said we were excellent Roman soldiers.  The children ended the day by chariot racing.  

21st April - Eco-Council's Litter Competition

Today the winners of the Eco-Council’s litter poster campaign were announced. The winners were announced in assembly and the winning entries were give a prize.  The posters will be displayed around school to remind everyone to put their litter in the bin. Well done to all those who won. 

16th April - Quarry Bank Mill

Year 5 visited Quarry Bank Mill today as part of their local history unit on what made Oldham become the biggest cotton spinning town in the world.  The children visited the Apprentice House where they learnt about what life would be like for an apprentice in a mill. They also saw a working loom and the jobs that children did.  The children had the opportunity to get into role and become the workers. 

15th April - Northern Thunder Visit

We were lucky enough to have professional netballer Shadine Van der Merwe in school today.  Shadine is a South African  netballer who currently plays for Northern Thunder. The children enjoyed her talk about her career and how she made it to where she is today.  Shadine also answered questions from the children.  The children were inspired by this experience and a few even said they would like to become a netballer like Shadine.  Northern Thunder look out for the budding netball stars from Burnley Brow who will be coming your way! 

11th and 21st March - Year 1 Trip to Mossley Village

Year 1 consolidated their learning on cities, towns and villages by visiting Mossley village.  The children learnt about villages and then used the trip to find these features.  They then compared the village to Oldham.  Iqra said, “Mossley had old building which were made of stone. They had one main shop. Mossley had a community hall called the George Lawton Hall – the library was inside it.”  
Aisha said, “We passed farms on the way to Mossley. We saw sheep, cows and horses.  The village was smaller than Oldham.”

15th March - Red Nose Day

Today the children helped to raise money for Comic Relief. They wore red, bought red noses and voted for their favourite teachers to be soaked!  Their was also a special version of the Joke Machine – where the children told the jokes and the teachers gave them golden bananas or rotten tomatoes depending on how bad the joke was!  Well done to  our two superstar presenters!  The lucky winners of soak the teacher were Mr Allen,  Mr Beasley, Mrs Casey and Mr Jacques. 

8th March - Year 5 Careers Fair

Today the children visited the Oldham Pledge careers fair.  The children had the opportunity to visit stalls from different business and organisations such as: Ultimate Products, OCL, Oldham Sixth Form and Diodes – to name but a few. The children asked questions and immersed themselves fully in the activities the companies had prepared.  Imran said, “It helped me to learn what I could do when I am older.  I think I want to be an engineer.”  Anisa said, I really enjoyed the day and it gave me a better idea of what jobs there are. I liked that I could ask lots of questions.”

7th March - World Book and Free Read and Write Day

The children celebrated World Book Day with a whole day dedicated to books, reading and writing!  The children came dressed as their favourite book character and the staff as a synonyms.  The children and staff shared their fabulous costumes in a special assembly this morning.  The children also had the opportunity to read a book of their own choosing and some even shared books with the younger members of our school!  The children were also able to write about a topic of their own choosing.  Danyaal in Year 6 said, “I wrote a non-chronological report about an imaginary creature called a parrobear – it meant I could go wild with my ideas.” Mariyah in Year 6 said, “It was good to be free to write about anything you want – I could write about what interested me.”  Well done to all of our free read and write day winners. 

6th March - Year 6 Trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelters

The children toured the underground air raid tunnels and learnt about what life would have been  like during an air raid in World War 2 and what it would be like to be sat down there during an air raid. The children also learnt about rations and ‘make do and mend’.  The children were fully immersed in the 1940’s by having the opportunity to use a range of 1940’s kitchen appliances and tried on some 1940’s clothing. Thaminah from 6G said, “I enjoyed trying on the clothes that had been donated and made into another form of clothing – this was good recycling!” 

5th March - Choral Speaking Festival

Today the children in Year 3 and 5 represented the school at the 38th Annual Choral Speaking Festival at The Queen Elizabeth Hall in Oldham.  The classes performed two poems and all came away with Hounours.  All the children were fabulous and did us proud. Well done!

4th March - 5A Linking Project

Today 5A took part in a Linking Project with Medlock Valley School.  Both schools visited Oldham Gallery to work on a variety of different projects together.  The project began by the children finding out about all the things they have in common and then linked up together to produce pencil portraits of one another.  They also had the opportunity to visit the gallery.  As a mixed team of both schools, the children created a fantastic piece of art that celebrated themselves and Oldham.  Each school was able to take the art work back to school to be displayed.  Salma said, “I liked the introduction part – it helped us to realise how much we have in common and it made it easy to make friends.”  Fahim said, “I liked creating the portraits and it was good to see inside the gallery – it was my first time!”

16th February - Wellbeing Performance

The children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed a performance of ‘What’s Up Alfie’ this morning.  The play taught the children to be more resilient and gave the children practical ways to deal with angry feelings, falling out with friends and finding school work difficult. 1B then participated in a workshop that explored these ideas further.

14th February - Poetry Slam

Today was the 8th Annual Poetry Slam competition!  The children performed the poems they have been learning this half-term to the rest of the school.  The quality of the choral speaking performances were amazing.  Well done to all the children and the staff for their hard work! 

Each class was either awarded a Merit, an Honours or a Distinction.   Well done to  3H, 3C, 5A, 5G and 6J who achieved a distinction! 

Spring Term 1 - Hummingbird Project

This half-term, Year 4 have been participating in the Hummingbird Project.  This project, kindly funded by Jigsaw Housing, is a positive education intervention. It was designed to give the children the tools they need to be as happy, healthy and productive as possible.  The children learnt some mindfulness techniques, about being grateful, the importance of team work, being resilient as well as learning about their character strengths and how they can use these to their advantage.  

12th February - Online Safety Performance

Children in Year 3 to Year 6 enjoyed a performance of Play, Post, Share, Repeat today!   The children engaged well with the actors and the message the play was delivering.  They learnt some valuable lessons on how to be safe on the many gaming platforms and on the apps they use.  The Year 6 children continued their understanding of online safety during an online safety workshop.  

2nd February - STEM Day

Today the children took part in our STEM Day! They participated in a range of Maths, Science and Computing activities and learnt about jobs where these subjects are important. In Maths, Dr Brainwave, asked the children to solve problems using their knowledge of a range of mathematical areas. He also taught the children the valuable lesson that making mistakes is a good thing and not something to be feared. Our budding scientists were challenged to make rockets. The children investigated what changes they could make to their rocket to keep in the air the longest! Well done to 4W who were the winners! The children used their technology skills to record and present their data and findings.  They used video and audio, SeeSaw, Adobe Spark or Microsoft Excel.  The teachers were very impressed by their technological skills!

22nd January - Years 4, 5 and 6 Macbeth

The children in Years 4, 5 and 6 were treated to a performance of Shakespeare’s Macbeth this week – which they thoroughly enjoyed. Ayaan said, “I liked the part when the actors stopped being one character and become another.  I loved the story.”  They then had the opportunity to ask the performers questions about the play and the character’s motives. The actors commented that the children’s questions were fabulous and showed a real understanding of the play. 

17th January - Chadderton Fire Service Visit

Year 2 were visited today by four fire fighters from Chadderton Fire Station as part of their learning on the Great Fire of London.  The fire fighters talked about fire safety in the home, the children and listened to a smoke alarm going off.  They learnt about what to do if their clothes were to catch fire: Stop, Drop and Roll.  They dressed Miss Shaw up in the protective clothing that fire fighters wear and she told the children how heavy it was!  What a fantastic visit for Year 2!

12th January - Year 6 Ultimate Products Visit

Year 6 visited Ultimate Products to investigate career opportunities in our local area.  The children had a tour of the facilities, explored the wide variety of products they designed, manufacture and distribute.  A member of the design and HR team discussed the variety of job opportunities.  The children then had the opportunity to evaluate  one of their products and discussed ideas to enhance and make more user friendly. Imanni said, “I spoke to one of the staff members who said I could come back when I’m in secondary school for work experience.  I can’t wait!”  Laura Hanson (School Governor and employee at Ultimate Products) said how impressed she was with the children’s attitude and manners and that the children’s presentations could rival those of some of our graduates.  She hoped that some of them would be inspired about different career paths on their doorstep.  Yusuf said, “It was so much fun! I couldn’t believe all that was right next to our school!”

11th January - Year 5 Viking Workshop

The children took part in a Viking workshop today as an introduction to their unit of learning about the Vikings. They learned about where the Vikings came from, played Viking games and learned about weaponry.  Hamzah said, ” I enjoyed when we did the tug of war to find out who was the strongest Viking in Year 5!”

22nd December- Jigsaw Housing

Today Asmina from Jigsaw Housing visited school to present certificates to the parents who completed the 3 day Health and Hygiene course. The parents who attended this course said this was an excellent opportunity and were grateful to Jigsaw Housing for funding it.  She also brought a special surprise for the children who were presented with a chocolate gift.  

21st December - Father Christmas Visit

Father Christmas made a special visit today to Burnley Brow.  Foundation Stage and Key Stage One were enjoying a festive sing-a-long when Santa arrived.  He brought the children a present and enjoyed their fabulous singing – he happened to say they were the best singers he has heard this year! Key Stage Two, were enjoying their parties when the famous visitor arrived.  All the children were so excited to see him! 

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! 

20th December - Christmas Dinner Day

Today all the children and staff enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner of turkey and all the trimmings. The children made party hats and wore their winter jumpers.  A very festive time was had by all. Thank you to all the kitchen staff who worked hard to make this yet another fabulous Christmas dinner. 

19th and 20th December - Nativity

The children from Nursery to Year 2 performed the Nativity play to their parents over the past couple of days.  The children were amazing as they retold the story of Christmas  through story and song.  Well done to all the children and staff for their hard work! 

16th December - Year 5 Planetarium

A mobile planetarium came to school today and year 5 learnt about all things space!   They learnt lots of facts about our solar system and also watched the Apollo 11 mission to the moon and learnt about other plans for future space travel. It certainly inspired the children and who know one of our Year 5s might make it into space one day! 

13th December - Year 5 Road Safety

This week, the children in Year 5 were visited by Julie Williams Oldham’s Road Safety Co-ordinator.  She took the children out to help them to learn how to  safely cross the road. 

Sahill in 5G said – “I really enjoyed the road safety lesson and it helped me to cross the road more safely!”

Eliza in 5G said – “It was a good chance to learn more about different parts of road safety.”

11th December - Gritter Visit

What a fantastic experience for 5G today.  In October, Miss Green entered the class into Oldham Council’s ‘Name a Gritter’ competition. Lots of children in Oldham entered the competition. Tanjila was one of the lucky winners with her entry of ‘Gritty Gritty Bang Bang’ -well done! Tanjila visited the depo to see the gritter she had named along with the other competition winners. 5G have also been visited by another gritter today and got the chance to ask lots of questions. 

8th December- No Pens Day

Today talking and listening took over the curriculum as Burnley Brow held a No Pens Day. The children honed their skills by taking part in a range of speaking and listening activities from Taboo, painting a picture their partner is describing, to following verbal instructions to make an origami hat. Great fun was had by all and showed the children how important these skills are! 

5th and 6th December - Glow in the Dark Dodgeball

Children from Nursery to Year 6 had the opportunity to play glow in the dark dodgeball as part of their PE lessons this week. I think it is fair to say that everyone enjoyed this unique experience.  Muhammad in Year 3 said, “It was amazing, everything glowed! It made dodging the ball even more fun!

5th December - Year 5 church Visit

Year 5 visited the Church of the Holy Family today as part of their RE unit of learning on Christmas.  They had the opportunity to learn about the Christmas story, explored the meaning behind the advent wreath whilst having a tour of the church and being able to ask questions. Tanjila said, “It was great to see how Christians pray and worship. I enjoyed looking at the paintings and statues in the church.” Adam said, ” I liked seeing things that were the same and different to my mosque and being able to ask lots of questions.”

28th November - Pantomime Time

The whole school enjoyed watching a  Aladdin today- oh yes they did! 

The children got fully involved in the routines.  A good time was had by all!

17th November - Children in Need

Today, the children  raised money for disadvantaged children all over the  UK who need help and support.  As part of this, the children wore non-uniform or wore Pudsey Bear themed clothing, created a 2p trail and were able to buy from their Phases special Children in Need cafe! 

They also enjoyed another episode of The Joke Machine – not many teachers made the children laugh.  

Sahil (Student Leader) said, “It is good to help those that are less fortunate than us?”

13th November - Anti-Bullying Perfromance

The children from Year 2 to 6 watched a very important performance today from Altru Drama. They learnt all about celebrating everyone’s superhero powers and that everyone is different! They learnt a lot about respecting our individual skills and helping one another.  The children in Year 4 took part in a workshop.

18th October - Strictly Singing 2023

The children finally performed the songs they have been learning for Strictly Singing to the rest of the school.  All the performances were amazing and reflected the hard work and effort the children and their teachers had put in over the past couple of weeks. Well done to everyone and remember to ‘keep singing!’

9th October - Visit from Musician Zoe Rahman

The children enjoyed a performance from professional musician Zoe Rahman today. She performed several pieces that she had written, spoke about how she became a musician and took questions from the children. The children enjoyed the performance and some children were able to come to the front to create their own pieces of music. 

5th October - Parent's Gardening Club Celebration

Thanks to funding from Jigsaw Housing Association parents have been attending a 12 week gardening course which promoted the wellbeing benefits of gardening and being outside. The parents along with an experienced gardener have planted and cared for a range of vegetables. This week they have harvested all of their hard work and got together to cook. Today a special celebration took place where the food they had grown and cooked was shared.  It was delicious!  This course will continue thanks to JIGSAW Housing Association for continuing to support this community project.  

24th July - 100% Attendance

The children who achieved 100% attendance this year enjoyed a fantastic lunch at Pizza Hut.  The Ice Cream Factory was a highlight. Well done to all those children. 

24th July - Beat the Goalie

The children enjoyed taking part in our Beat the Goalie event today! The children aimed to get three goals past our goalkeepers – well done to those who managed it!

20th July - Live Music Now

Children across school enjoyed an interactive performance from Live Music Now. Mohammed Shahid  said, “It was fantastic! It was so good!” The Nursery children said they loved ringing the bells and being the butterfly. 

20th July - Year 6 Leavers Assembly

Today the Year 6 children performed The Jungle Book to their parents – the performance was amazing!  There were many rising stars ready for the stage! After the show, there was an emotional farewell as children were given the traditional Burnley Brow dictionary! Zain said, “It is a memory I will keep for a lifetime! I have grown in confidence – I never thought I could be Mowgli!”


19th July - Attendance Party

Classes 1T and 6G won the Attendance Prize this year. The children enjoyed an ice-cream and enjoyed playing with their friends. Well done to both classes!

18th July - House Prize

The rain didn’t stop the fun today as Falcon House won the end of year House Prize and had a lovely afternoon having a carpet picnic! Well done Falcon! Sahill in Year 4 said, “I was so proud that we won! The jam sandwiches were delicious!”


18th July - Llandudno Parent's Trip

The return of our annual parent’s trip!  It was a successful day with over 40 parents.  It rained but this did not spoil the fun. Parents were able to explore the beach, the pier, the funicular railway and mostly avoided the seagulls! New friendships were made and some parents have already made plans to visit with their children. 


13th July - Summer Fair

Despite the rain yesterday, what a wonderful time was had by all who attended our Summer Fair.  Families had the opportunity to buy food, cakes, play games and even be part of our photobooth!

Inaaya in Year 4 said, “I liked the different stalls and I loved the chocolate tombola – I won two bars of chocolate!”


Even the teachers enjoyed getting involved in the fun!


Thank you again to our wonderful home cooks who made food for us to sell at the fair – it was definitely one of our most popular stalls!

Some of our wonderful tasty cooked food .

Thank you to all of our families who attended the fair and made it a huge success!

14th June - Sports Day

There was excitement in the air today as the whole school came to school wearing their sports kit ready to take part in Sports Day today! 

The children in Key Stage 1 and 2 took part in races from sprints, relays, obstacle course and javelin.  Prizes were awarded for those who came 1st, 2ndand 3rd and points were awarded to their house teams.  

Maryam in Year 5 said, “I just love sports, so sports day is my sort of day!”

 Even the teachers joined in the fun taking part in the teacher’s egg and spoon race.

Nursery took part in their own sports day completing a carousel of activities such as egg and spoon, balancing a quoit on head and bean bag throw.  The children had a fabulous time showing off their sporting skills!


5th May - Coronation Celebration Day

The children and staff came to school wearing either red, white or blue or all three if they wished to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.  The children learnt about the Coronation, the Monarchy and British Values. During assembly, the children sang the National Anthem. 

All children were invited to make a crown at home to wear for the day to celebrate the Coronation. We were amazed at some of the wonderful and creative examples our families made. Prizes were awarded in classes for the winning crowns. Maryam in Year 5 said, ” I made my beautiful hat with my father.  It was lovely to have some family time. I was surprised and shocked that I won!”


On Friday, the kitchen prepared a special Coronation lunch for the children. Burhan in Year 3 said, ” It was a magnificent lunch to help us celebrate the Coronation. The hall was decorated with flags and the kitchen staff dressed up too!” 


26th April and 28th April - Eid Assembly

The children in Years 3 to 5 finally got the chance to perform their Eid Assembly to their parents on Wednesday and Friday. 


The choir opened the show with ‘I Look, I Look, I see’.  A play was performed with songs that followed Ayesha and Ali who learnt about Ramadan and Eid celebrations.

The children also shared Ramadan and Eid traditions around the world.

26th April - Eid Celebration Parties

 The children and staff all enjoyed a delicious Eid party lunch today of samosas, vegetarian sausage rolls and sandwiches. Sabiya in Year 5 said, “I loved the Eid party lunch because it is just like the food I have at home.”



The children wore their Eid clothes and enjoyed celebrating with their friends and teachers “I enjoyed the Eid party lunch because everyone had a smile on their face. Also, the dinner was delicious. The music was very loud which I liked.” Diyanah Year 2.

“I loved the drinks and sandwiches they were very nice.” Suhana in Year 5.

Thank you to all the kitchen staff for their hard work in making another fabulous party lunch.





The celebrations continued after lunch with an Eid party in their classrooms.






17th March - Comic Relief

The 17th  of March was Comic Relief day! The children raised £200 for the charity by voting for which teacher they thought should get soaked. The lucky winners were Mr Beasley, Miss Bhatti, Mrs Armstrong and Mr Garside. 



The children definitely enjoyed watching them get soaked.

7th March - Choral Speaking

On Tuesday 7th March, Classes 3H and 5A performed at the Oldham Coliseum at the 37th Annual Oldham Primary Schools Choral Speaking Festival.

The children had the chance to perform on stage and watch other children from Oldham schools. 

3H performed Mike Teavee by Roald Dahl and I Need to do my Homework by Kenn Nesbitt for which they were awarded an Honours Plus.

“Performing at the Coliseum was very good. I was so proud of myself.” Raihan in 3H.

“I was amazed! I was shocked that we actually managed to stand up in front of all the people.” Taiiba in 3H.

5A performed Sick by Shel Silverstein and The Magic Box by Kit Wright for which they were awarded an Honours Plus.

“When I first got on the stage, I was so nervous, but when I got off, I wasn’t nervous because I knew we had done well.” Danyaal in 5A.

“It was scary looking at all the people watching us. When it was over, I was so happy and proud at how well our class had done.”

2nd March - World Book Day

Thursday 2nd March was World Book Day at Burnley Brow.  The children and staff were asked to dress as an ambitious word for the day.  During the special World Book Day assembly, a word procession took place and the children were asked to guess the word.  The costumes looked amazing.


8th February - Poetry Slam

On Wednesday 8th February, children from Nursery to Year 6 performed the Poem they had been learning in class in our seventh annual Poetry Slam!

Classes were either awarded a Merit, an Honours or a Distinction.

The children also enjoyed performing in front of their parents on Friday as well – a real opportunity to showcase their talent.

A special well done to the classes who managed to achieved a distinction.

1T: The Train Ride by June Crebbin

3H: Mike Teavee by Roald Dahl

4WK: The Most Important Rap by Roger Stevens

5A: Sick by Shel Silverstein

5G: I Need to do my Homework by Kenn Nesbit

19th December- Father Christmas Visit

Burnley Brow had a very special visitor today. Whilst the children in EYFS and Key Stage One were busy singing Christmas songs in the hall Santa arrived with his special elf. He brought all the children presents and enjoyed their fabulous singing. He then visited Key Stage Two who were busy having their Christmas parties. All the children were so excited to see him.

Thank you, Santa!

HO HO HO! Merry Christmas.

15th December- Christmas Dinner Day

The children and staff all enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner of turkey and all the trimmings. Khadija in Year 3 said, “I enjoyed the Christmas dinner and loved all of the decorations and the giant Christmas tree.”


The children made fabulous party hats and wore their favourite winter jumpers which made the day even more festive!  “The food was fantastic and amazing – the mash was so good. I don’t know how the cooks managed to make it so tasty.” Ohee Year 4. 

Thank you to all the kitchen staff for their hard work in making another fabulous dinner.

18th November- Children in Need

Today everyone at Burnley Brow, came dressed in their own clothes or Pudsey Bear themed clothes to help raise money for Children in Need.

We held our annual Children in Need Joke Machine assembly and learnt about why we were raising money for the charity.

“We are raising money for Children in Need – I like raising money.  I liked the Joke Machine assembly – I thought all the jokes were good.” Saif in Year 5. 

We created a 2p trail around school or collected our 2ps on Pudsey Bears. 

Safa in Year 4 said, “I have enjoyed Children in Need Day because it has raised money to help children who might have an illness. I have enjoyed doing some Pudsey Bear activities.”

20th October- Strictly Singing

On Thursday 20th October, children from Nursery to Year 6 performed the song they had been learning in class in our spectacular Strictly Singing Showcase!

The children and their teachers were hoping to win one of the following awards.

  • The Oasis Award: For the class who perform well with confidence and enthusiasm.
  • The Take That Award: For the class who successfully perform a challenging song in an engaging manner.
  • The Rising Star Award: For the most promising class who are ‘one to watch’ as they go throughout school.
  • The Beating Heart Award: For the class who warmed our hearts.
  • The Strictly Singing Award: For the overall best performance.

All the performances were amazing and reflected the hard-work and effort the children had put in over the past term.  Well done everyone!

RDB won the Strictly Singing Award in the morning for the best overall performance.  Well done!

2NS won the Strictly Singing Award for best overall performance in the afternoon session. Well done!

We look forward to this exciting event next year. Keep Singing!


15th July - House Winners Picnic

Hawthorn House won the end-of-year House Prize and had a lovely afternoon having a picnic.

Muttakin in Year 2 said, ‘This is the good life!’

1st July - BB Fest

On Friday 1st July the children had their tickets scanned as they entered the playground to experience ‘BB Fest’ – Burnley Brow Community School’s first music festival. The children got to experience a range of high-quality live music by our volunteer performers including Chloe Jones, Babalola Jr, Conduit, Gabriel and Natalia Jacques. Two of our performers, Chloe and Babalola, had previously performed on ‘The Voice’! The performances covered a wide range of musical genres including folk, soul, pop and rap music and inspired children to develop a love of music.

During the festival the children engaged with a number of stalls including face painting, hair braiding and an ice-lolly stall. They also got to experience a bubble display by World Record Holder, Ray Bubbles and engage in a Zumba session ran by Amy Mackie’s Dance Studio.

The children and staff had a fantastic time. The event also appeared in two local newspapers!